| 01937 833795
Tadcaster Academy Logo
Ebor Academy Trust Logo

We offer a hot meal choice every day.   Please see a sample of our school menu below.

In addition to a cooked meal, we can also offer a baked potato with fillings of cheese, beans or tuna or sandwiches with fillings of cheese, egg, tuna or ham. We can cater for most dietary requirements with prior knowledge.

Children are entitled to “universal” free school meals if they are in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.    This means that all children in that age group can have a school meal with no charge.   Children may also be eligible for free school meals if they qualify and this will enable school to access further government funding.   We would recommend that you take a look at this form and complete it, if the circumstances apply see: FREE SCHOOL MEAL APPLICATION FORM

In order to book your child’s meals, whether they are free or to be paid for (if your child is in Years 3 – 6), Parents will need a ParentPay account.    Parents can choose your child’s meal by accessing their ParentPay account 24 hours before the meal is required.   Then you can view the meal selection available for several weeks and choose your child’s meals, including dessert, for the week or even the term.   Please ensure that you book your child’s meals in good time.

The price of our meals are currently £2.81 which represents good value for a cooked meal and dessert.

Please also see the Appetite information shared via ParentHub. Please contact our school office or Appetite directly if you are unable to activate your account.


If your child has a special dietary requirement, please ask for a Special Dietary Request form from the school office. Our email address is 


Please see the school menu for Spring 2023:  The menu will also appear on ParentPay for the term applicable when booking.

Spring Menu Week 1 TADCASTER

Spring Menu Week 2 TADCASTER

Spring Menu Week 3 TADCASTER