School uniform is worn as soon as children start with us in Early Years. Wearing school uniform is part of our school ethos of belonging. Our school uniform is as follows:
Daily uniform
· Black or dark grey trousers/pinafore/skirts/trousers/ lilac checked summer dresses
· White or purple polo shirts with or without logo
· Purple sweatshirt/jumper/cardigan
· Dark socks/ white socks / grey or purple tights
· Black shoes (not boots or trainers)
· Black or navy shorts
· White t-shirt
· Trainers
· Dark coloured (preferably navy or black) tracksuit for colder weather
· Please avoid choosing PE clothing with logos or images on and ensure your child does not wear earrings on PE days
School jumpers/cardigans and t-shirts can be purchased from:
Most larger supermarkets or via the internet at a reasonable cost.
Online Uniform website: My Clothing Uniform
Local Tadcaster firm:- APC uniform APC School Uniform
In addition our school logo can be added to other items using School Uniforms Yorkshire
School book bags are available to purchase at the school office at a cost of £3.50 and are payable on Parentpay.
TPAC sell Pre-Loved uniform online. You can find their page at Facebook – TPA Community
Please make sure all items of clothing are named.
Further details are included within our School Uniform Policy below: