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Tadcaster Academy Logo
Ebor Academy Trust Logo

Our aim is for everyone within the Ebor Academy Trust to be safe to Work, Learn and Grow together.

We believe that there are three key aspects to safeguarding and that there should be clear policies, guidance, lines of accountability and monitoring of each aspect.

The three aspects are:

  • Safe children
  • Safe adults
  • Safe environment

These form the basis of the Academy policy and the structure of the safeguarding team in each school. The name, role and photograph of each member of staff in the safeguarding team are displayed in each school.

We strive to ensure that all of our children are safe, happy and enjoy their childhoods. If you ever have any concerns about a child in our school please speak to our Designated Safeguarding Lead, Miss Caroline Towler or, if Miss Towler is unavailable, our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mr Steven Foster.  Our Safeguarding Governor is Mrs Kerry Lee.

Please see our Safeguarding Team here: Safeguarding Team

For information on North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership and local authority arrangements for safeguarding, please see the following website links:

North Yorkshire Council Safeguarding Children

North Yorkshire Safeguarding Guidance

Early Help

Additionally, you can also call the Early Help team on 01609 534829, or make a referral to social care directly on 01609 780780.  More information can be found at Early Help . If you require any more information regarding our Safeguarding policy and procedures please do not hesitate to contact Miss Towler.

Operation Encompass

Operation Encompass has been designed to provide early reporting to schools of any domestic abuse incidents that occur outside of normal school hours and that might have had an impact on a child attending school the following day. This information will be shared at the earliest opportunity between Monday to Friday and, when an incident occurs on a Friday, Saturday or a Sunday, the police will contact the school safeguarding team the following Monday.

Tadcaster Primary Academy are proud to say that we put pupil safety first and will never fail to take action in the best interests of securing a child’s safety.

Please click the links below to view our supporting documents:

Child Protection Procedure for Staff:TPA Safeguarding First Principles

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy: TPA Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 4 (v6, Sept. 2023).docx

Keeping Children Safe in Education: Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024