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Ebor Academy Trust Logo


Tadcaster Primary Academy – Behaviour Policy

We ensure we provide children with clear boundaries and consequences to behaviours. Our aim is to provide children with the skills and tools to successfully resolve conflict, understanding how the choices they have made have affected others. We promote positive language and look to find opportunities where children can succeed and have good choices to their behaviour recognised.

We use the language of ‘Wow’ and ‘Good’ but equally we are consistent in our high expectations that children with our care, guidance and support can make mistakes but then work hard to rectify any damage their actions or words have caused. We are passionate in having a whole school approach to behaviour that is consistent. Regardless of being aged 3 or 11, each child is recognised as an individual, and taught important life skills to be able to fit into the school community and reach their potential.

Our behaviour chart is a feature within every classroom, and is referred to throughout the school day. It is the lynchpin to ensuring we have a calm and stable school environment, but it also allows children to take responsibility for their own choices and actions.

OUR BEHAVIOUR EXPECTATIONS – School Behaviour Expectations

Please use the link below to see the behaviour policy for the school and the Trust –TPA Behaviour Policy
