After School Clubs, Lunchtime Clubs and External Provision
Over the course of the year our children will have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of activities and games that are offered on top of the two PE lessons that they receive in a week. Our Sports Coach, teachers and external providers will run after school clubs throughout the year that provide different activities such as athletics, fitness fun, netball and football. The school will also provide children with external providers, in a variety of sports and activities who provide more options to our school in order to try and keep our children as active as possible.
What we have done so over recent months:
- 26 children from Team Saturn (Years 3& 4) took part in the Brownlee Triathlon Event at York Sports Village (May 2024).
- 26 children from Team Saturn (Years 3& 4) took part in the Skipping School event at Selby High School to learn skipping tricks (May 2022)
- Team Saturn performed in the York Theatre Royal for the Everybody Dance competition in November 2023. Dance lessons in the run up to the event were delivered collaboratively with our very own Mr P and Drew from York Dance Space.
- Team Neptune have collaborated with York Dance Space to create their own performance piece ready for ‘Making Moves’ in October 2022 at York Theatre Royal.
- Since the Summer term in 2022 up to present date York City FC Foundation have delivered after school football sessions for all children in Key Stage One and Two who would like to participate.
- Since autumn term 2021 we have collaborated with York Dance Space who have been delivering an after school dance clubs to all interested children in Key Stage One and Two.
- Every child in school had the opportunity to learn and play the game Kidditch. This is an adapted game from the Harry Potter books. Everyone had a great time!
- Y4/5 children had the opportunity to take part in Dance It Up North at York Theatre Royal with training from York Dance Space.
All these activities and provisions are additional to the two PE lessons that we deliver to our children on a weekly basis.
Tadcaster Primary School Sports Cluster
Every year we take part in the local Primary School Sports Cluster. The cluster comprises 6 primary schools from around the Selby District. An events sports calendar is designed every year with various events, festivals and competitions on which we as a school try to attend as many as possible. The calendar is designed by Mr Jeff, the local School Games Organiser (SGO) Stacey Howard and PE Leads from schools who are in the sports cluster. The calendar has the following events on it;
- Level 2 Cluster Competitions: These are competition pathways to the next round. The winners of these events qualify for the Level 2 Selby District Finals. If you win this event you qualify to represent Selby District in the Level 3 North Yorkshire Finals.
- Festivals: These are events that are less focused on competition and more focused on aspects such as introducing children to a new skill or sport, engaging less active children and improving social skills.
Our children have competed in the following events
- Eleven Children from KS1 competed in a Dodgeball event which took place at Tadcaster Riverside
- Almost all KS2 took part in the level 2 Cross Country event in October. We even had some children qualify for the next round!
- Children from year 3 took part in a Multi-skills event which took place at Tadcaster Riverside. The children learnt a variety of skills such as throwing, catching and teamwork.
- Six children from year 4 represented the school in the district Quicksticks Hockey event
- Sixteen children from Neptune class represented the school at a mixed Football tournament. The children showed great teamwork and commitment during the event.
- Twenty-four children from year 5/6 attended the Sportshall Athletics event at Sherburn High School in December. The team did amazing and finished third overall