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Ebor Academy Trust Logo

Wow what a year!

What a year! What a fantastic year it has been at Tadcaster Primary Academy! With a new school name in September, becoming a member of the Ebor Academy Trust family, Purple being the ‘in colour’ for our school uniform, a fantastic trip to Kingswood in September, Christmas fun...

Learning all about how the emergency services can help us

Over the last two weeks our children have enjoyed a great opportunity to learn all about the special job that the emergency services do for us. We had great fun learning all about fire safety with the fire service team from Tadcaster Fires Station, especially when we got to use...

Sports Day

 The sun certainly had his hat on for our Sports Day this year! We loved our afternoon of races including the sack race and egg and spoon. It was great to see so many parents come along to cheer on their children. Huge thanks to Minster FM and the Minster Monster who got stuck...

Countryside Day

Key Stage Two loved their trip to Countryside Day which was held at the Great Yorkshire Showground at Harrogate. There was such a lot of outdoor learning going on with children creating wind chimes out of nature in the woodland area, getting up close with the farm animals and...

Saturn Dance Project

Team Saturn really enjoyed their amazing dance project week with Drew and Hannah from York Dance Space, in collaboration with the Paul Hamlyn Foundation. The aim of the project was to link writing and dance to develop skills in both areas. The children really enjoyed this project...

More outdoor activity for our children at Tadcaster Primary Academy

Children returning after the October half term were pleased to see the latest instalment of play equipment obtained using a grant obtained from National Lottery Awards for All and some of the sports premium.  

Outdoor play gym following successful grants

Following the idea to update the playground, Grant applications were made to various providers and we were successful on 2 occasions.   We also had a donation from the Friends of Tadcaster East our ever friendly fundraisers (who are always looking for new members).     This...

Cookery Club added to Autumn Term 2 Afterschool Club

We are pleased to announce that Kiddycook Harrogate are to join our after school club providers in the second Autumn Term.  It is a 6 week programme on Thursdays at 3.30pm to 4.30pm at our school.    The event incorporates food and science into each lesson.   Each child will...

Rhinos Dance Club

A routine provided by Rhinos Street Dance, Nicola Booth.  See Twitter for a live version.  


Take a look at the tiled wall art created by our pupils at the local Clayfever shop.   It is situated near our front entrance where it takes pride of place.