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Ebor Academy Trust Logo

Run Around the World Update

Update :- We ran around the world! We have now completed our challenge – and children and staff at our 24 schools have ‘ran around the world’. During the 31 days of May we walked, ran, cycled or wheeled over 44,000km, which allowed us to ‘travel’ across our planet. All the...

Join us in our Run Around the World

Join us in our Run Around the World Our school is joining with all 24 schools across Ebor Academy Trust in a challenge to Run Around the World! If all of the 6,000 pupils, plus 500 others – your family or staff – take part and run, walk, cycle or wheel 200 metres per day during...

Emergency contact

If parents need to contact school out of hours during this difficult time, please send an email to and also leave a message on our telephone answering machine on 01937 833795

School Closure

Emergency closure From Monday 23 March, only children of key workers and vulnerable children will remain in school. Otherwise, this school will remain closed until further notice, in line with government instruction. For more information, which is updated regularly, please visit...

Coronavirus Latest

For the latest updates from Ebor Academy Trust for parents and carers, please click below: Coronavirus Latest

Welcome to Tadcaster Celebrating our Learning Open Afternoon

Don’t forget that next Wednesday we will have our Welcome to Tadcaster learning celebration event at 2pm on 18th March. Please come along to see what your child has been learning this term. We will also be welcoming Mayor Steve Cobb who will unveil our Welcome to Tadcaster...

Sports Relief- Wear something sporty on Monday 13th March

  Sports Relief- Wear something sporty on Monday 13th March Over the next week the children will be taking part in sporty activities in aid of Sports Relief. To get the week kicked off we are asking if children would like to come to school in something sporty and bring a...

#Healthyselfies at TadPrimaryAcad

  During the half-term holidays we would love to see how our children keeping healthy and active. This can be biking to the shops, walking the dog or swimming at the local leisure centre. Please tweet our school a photo and a brief explanation. Example: @TadPrimaryAcad day...

Safer Internet Day – Tuesday 11th February

As a school we place great importance on keeping our children safe and as part of this take our responsibility in educating our pupils about all aspects of internet safety very seriously. Next Tuesday is ‘Safer Internet Day’ and throughout the week of Monday 10th to Friday 14th...

TPA School Council rules!

TPA School Council rules! Since the appointment of our new School Council earlier this year we have been so impressed with how hard these children have worked to think about how we can improve our school community. They have had meetings with Miss Towler to discuss what works...