A celebration of a fabulous Summer for Team TPA!
Our final term of the year was certainly a busy one as there was definitely a lot going on in Team TPA. We have loved our learning and enjoyed the many opportunities to share these with our families.
Some of the highlights of the Summer term included our annual Sports Days for Key Stage One and Two and for Early Years. Both Sports Day events were a big success and we had a fantastic turn out from families who even braved the rain to watch the children show off their sporty skills including in archery, penalty shoot outs, egg and spoon races and much much more.
We also enjoyed our TPAC Summer Fair which our Parents Teacher and Family Association brilliantly organised. The sun was out that afternoon and we enjoyed the games, refreshments and the support of many different stall holders including Willow Bakes, Five Star Sports, our bouncy slides and many many more. We raised a fabulous £1,145.98 which will go towards offering fabulous opportunities for our school.
We held an ESafety morning which was supported by PC Nicholas Woods and PC Luke Callaghan. Our local policing team delivered an informative presentation about how families can help to keep children safe online which offered a useful opportunity for families to ask questions about this important matter. Families were then invited into classes to see their children learning more about how children can keep themselves safe when using the internet and different devices. It was a great opportunity for Parents and Carers to see how children learn in school and how the computing curriculum progresses throughout their education.
Our After School Dance Club carried out a fabulous performance showing off all the hard work they have put into their weekly dance sessions. It was great to see their creativity and flair and the audience was certainly impressed with the final piece choreographed by our dance teacher Drew from York Dance Space.
At the end of June, the children went off on a wonderful residential for children in Years 4-6 at Dearne Valley residential centre. The children certainly faced their fears whilst flying through the sky on zip lines, building their own raft, taking to the waters and still managing to keep afloat, climbing great heights, abseiling and so much more. Huge thanks go to the fabulous staff team who joined me to give up their weekend to make this possible – Mr Sands, Miss Bell and Mr Foster.
The end of the term saw us say goodbye to our wonderful Year 6 cohort at our Year Six Leavers’ Celebration Event. The families and staff helped us give our fantastic Year 6 children a special farewell and also celebrate all that they have achieved in the time they have been at Tadcaster Primary Academy. It was lovely to have a nostalgic moment looking back at how they had changed since the start of their time in school. Special well dones go to Khayen Stringer and Catherine Johnson who received the Headteacher’s Awards for their contribution to school and their fabulous attitudes. Thank you to Mrs Bairstow who made the Leavers’ cake and also for the TPAC volunteers who organised the refreshments.
In the final week of term we celebrated our children’s musical talents within the Early Years Mini Music Makers performance and the Key Stage One and Two Musical Extravaganza which was a fabulous celebration of musical performance and song. Well done to the children for showing real courage in performing in front of an audience of supportive families and thank you to Mrs Oldfield, our Music teacher, who organised the event.
All of this wouldn’t be possible without the support of our families, our PTFA – TPAC, the staff team, and the children of course. A huge thank you to all for making the Summer Term a fabulous celebration of the fantastic learning that goes on in Team TPA! What a year it has been…here’s to more fun and wonderful learning in September!
Best wishes,
Miss Towler