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Please press here to open Newsletter for  26.2.21 Tadcaster no.20


Please find this week’s newsletter by clicking here: Newsletter 5.2.21 Tadcaster no.18


Please click here for our latest newsletter. Newsletter 22.1.21 Tadcaster no.16

Read our weekly newsletter!

  Please click here to access our weekly newsletter for the week ending 15th January 2021. This week’s newsletter includes a link to a video sharing the names of the purple book nominees for our star assembly.   Newsletter 15.1.21 Tadcaster no.15    ...

Schools open only for vulnerable children and children of key workers

The Prime Minister has imposed new lockdown restrictions to combat the escalating Covid-19 crisis, which means all schools will now only be open for vulnerable children and children of key workers. Education will be delivered by remote learning, online or through workbooks...

Welcome back Team TPA!

We are excited to welcome back all our children tomorrow morning at the usual times. Please can we ask that all parents remember to wear their masks when dropping off children.

What we are learning next term… Yorkshire Born and Bred!

We are really excited to share that our whole school topic for Spring term is ‘Yorkshire Born and Bred’. Each of the class teams has a different focus as part of this topic but in this term there will be a big drive on all things Geography and of course Yorkshire...

TPAC Christmas Hamper Raffle Winners!

Many thanks for all those families who bought Christmas Hamper raffle tickets. Please see the information below from TPAC regarding the lucky people who have won: Winners of the two hampers: Tara Curry and Jenny Wilson. Ten winners of two bottles of mulled wine each: Carlyn...

Please find our latest newsletter

Newsletter 18.12.20 Tadcaster no.13

Tadcaster Primary Academy getting in the festive mood for Christmas

  Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas after a very busy term.  Please enjoy a well deserved rest. Put your feet up and watch your children performing like mini superstars by clicking on the YouTube links below:- Team Nursery (F1) Jingle Bells Dance...